Our certifications and programs meet the rigorous standards of a prestigious accrediting body, reflecting our commitment to providing high-quality, accredited learning opportunities. Enhance your professional skills with AAPR's certified educational offerings.
Specialty Pharma is a rapidly growing segment of the pharmaceutical industry, dealing with high-complexity and high-cost medicines that treat complex, chronic, or rare conditions.
The path to becoming a top-tier Certified Specialty Pharmaceutical Professional starts with enrolling in CSPP.
Your work will make a positive impact on patient lives
Take the first steps toward achieving the gold standard in the pharmaceutical industry.
Enroll in the industry standard specialty sales rep training program that prepares you for a high-performance career.
CSPP At a GlanceCSPP is a Certification accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education / American National Standards Institute (IACET/ANSI).
More program infoThe CSPP content was developed with input from a variety of subject matter experts in the life sciences industry including successful sales representative trainers, healthcare professionals, and specialty pharma professionals.
Every 2 years you are required to maintain your certification. You can do this by either (1) completing 10 hours of continuing education credits approved by the ACMA or (2) by taking the certification exam.
Yes. The ACMA offers a flexible payment plan where you can pay in 3 easy installments of $533.
See payment infoThe CSPP program takes on average about 2 weeks (15 hours course time) to complete. It’s self-paced, so everyone will be different.
Bring your skills, work ethic, and commitment.
Enroll in the CSPP program and prepare for a successful career in specialty sales.
Complete the CSPP program and become certified.
Promote your achievement and step into your specialty pharma sales future.
As a specialty sales representative, you can quickly work your way up to a six-figure salary by applying your natural skills to communicate with specialists. Specialty sales representatives get great experience visiting doctors, planning events, and collaborating with other teams to ensure the most effective communication.
You’ll have the knowledge and skills of what works best in the field.
You’ll have the fundamentals of working with physicians, patient advocates and other stakeholders.
From the field, you’ll see the challenges facing the whole healthcare system and what you can do to help.
The field representative role will give you deep insight into the challenges that patients face.
You will have the practical experience necessary to build that ladder.
Are you ready to start a rewarding career as a Specialty Pharmaceutical Representative? Then your next step needs to be distinguishing yourself by becoming a certified Specialty Pharmaceutical Sales Professional through the CSPP program.