CSPP Recertification - Pharma Sales Training

Certified Specialty Pharma Professional Program

  • The Certified Specialty Pharma Professional Program (CSPP) program is designed for experienced pharmaceutical sales representatives aiming to specialize and advance in their careers with a focus on specialty pharmaceutical, biotechnology, or medical device sales.
  • As a CSPP certified professional, you must meet specified requirements to maintain and renew your certification every two (2) years. Maintaining your certification is essential as a seasoned professional.

Why should I recertify as a CSPP™ professional?


Deepen your specialty sales skills and experiences with recertification


Continue to boost your professional growth and career prospects in specialty sales


Continue to be a part of the CSPP community

What are the benefits of maintaining my certification?

Specialization in a growing field

Be recognized as an expert in the complex area of specialty pharmaceutical sales.

Career Progression

Position yourself for higher pay and advanced roles in specialty sales with an accredited certification.

Graduate Network

Gain opportunities to network with your peers from across the life sciences industry.

Continuing Education

Raise the standards for your industry through accredited certifications, knowledge checks, and more.

Maintain your Certification

To maintain your certification, renew your CSPP certification every two (2) years. Your certification is suspended if you do not complete one of the (2) recertification options.

Requirements for renewing your CSPP certification: The CSPP credential is valid for two (2) years. To keep your certification active, there are two paths:

Recertification Option 1: Complete continuing education modules provided by the ACMA and successful quiz completion of each module

Recertification Option 2: Retake and pass the final exam

The cost for recertification is $299.99 USD.

To recertify with option 1, choose continuing education from available courses. (Note: More details on the available courses will be provided upon login to the ACMA online portal.)

CSPP™ Recertification

  • To begin your recertification, log into the ACMA online portal
  • On your dashboard you should see a CSPP Recertification required banner. Or scroll down to avaliable courses and choose your recertification options.
  • Choose either course option 1 or option 2
  • Continue to payment